About Us
At Crumbs everything we do is aimed towards one goal…
“To carry your palate on a sumptious journey of melt-in-the-mouth textures and mouth watering flavours created from the very best of natural ingredients. Quality guaranteed”
Kerrie Livingstone
For as long as Artisan chef Kerrie can recall, baking an array of special biscuits to share with family and friends has been her signature gift. Nowadays Kerrie is sharing her decadent Crumbs Yarra Valley Gourmet Biscuits with the rest of the world but still keeping her recipe to herself. It's no secret that every biscuit is lovingly handmade using only quality ingredients baked in the traditional way.
Kerrie’s biscuits are available directly from our shop in Healesville, our website shop as well as being available at many places throughout Australia, see our stockist list here.
Crumbs supports opportunities for people living with disability to strive to reach their individual/full potential through active participation in employment and training opportunities, in a supported and nurturing environment, enabling independence and social and community connection. If you know someone that may be interested in working with us please email us.